News – Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA)

07-05-2024 – Infodag over de NGCAT R&D oproep 2024

25-01-2024 – Infodag over de DEFRA-oproep 2024

06-12-2023 – Workshop SALTO

20-11-2023 – Closing Conference project INSERT-BD

14-02-2023 – Call – Presentaties informatiesessie “Derde oproep tot voorstellen”

07-02-2023 – Call – Derde oproep is open

19-01-2023 – Call – Pre-announcement 3de DEFRA oproep

02-12-2022 – Projects – Projectfiches call 2022

04-04-2022 – Call – 2de DEFRA oproep is nu officieel open!

13-12-2021 – Projets – Projectfiches call 2021

13-12-2021 – Protocolakkoord MOD BELSPO – Persberich & Online persconferentie

01-03-2021 – Call – The 1st DEFRA call is open.

10-2020 – Protocol agreement
The Director-General of RHID and the President a.i. of BELSPO have signed the Protocol agreement on a collaboration to realize a call within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Research Program of Defense; both have got the official approval of their respective minister.