Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
ArtfiArtificial Intelligence (AI) can be described as “the study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act”. In this context, AI can be understood as the theoretical creation and development of computer systems or algorithms which are able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence. The security and defence sectors are not exempted from this technological evolution. On the contrary, AI is expected to change the nature of future warfare. Since, by definition, armed forces are one of the main consumers of data and information, future systems will necessarily rely not only on more rapid, but on more intelligent and autonomous systems as well, in support of operational engagement.
AI is widely recognised as a disruptive technology with potentially revolutionary effects already in the short term. Given the AI’s accelerating technology advancements, it is highly likely that it will have a profound impact on practically every segment of daily life. Automation and robotics, which employ some very basic functions of AI but lack intelligent behaviour, are already present and broadly used in a range of industrial activities worldwide. However, the ongoing digital revolution, which generates and exploits a plethora of data, opens a new dimension for computing, giving a new quality to information and decision-making. Technology developments in the field of Deep Learning partnered with Big Data create a new source of power and influence, as well. All these factors have had a tremendous impact on the development of AI technologies.
In order to address this subject, we have invited a number of experts and actors both from the academic world and from the industrial world. Professor Guy DE TRE from UGent will give the keynote speech, followed by Mr. Christophe MEYER from Thales Communications. Next speakers are Professor Fabrizio Berizzi from EDA, Professor Rudy LAUWEREINS from imec and Captain senior Koen BOECKX from the Royal Military Academy. Finally, Mr. Nicolas LEWYCKYJ from VITO will end by presenting AI for earth observation applications.
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Langue : Anglais
Pas de traduction simultanée des interventions.
19 mars 2019, 9 h 00 – 13 h 00
> 8 h 30 : Accueil
> 9 h 00 : Colloque
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Bruxelles