The research line “Transatlantic relations” deals with security and defence issues related to the transatlantic relations. The CSDS is particularly interested in the foreign and defence policy of the United States, including its doctrinal and technological developments in the military field, its external operations and its positioning in relation to the Member States of the European Union and NATO, as well as to Russia and China.
Researchers: André DUMOULIN ; Alain DE NEVE ; Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN
Embedding Poland’s Military Development in the NATO-EU Context
The Resurgence of Intermediate-Range Missiles and its Implications for European Security
NATO: 75 years old, but still vital, flexible and attractive
Related publications:
The Resurgence of Intermediate-Range Missiles and its Implications for European Security, Alain DE NEVE? Focus Paper 48, October 2024
La politique sécuritaire des États-Unis au Sahel de 1990 à nos jours : un engagement indirect, graduel et ambivalent, Polyvios CHRISTODOULOU, Focus Paper 44, May 2022
Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) : expression paradoxale de la technologisation, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 30, 19 February 2021
L’OTAN et le médecin légiste, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 29, 19 December 2019
L’OTAN et la supériorité technologique américaine : un risque pour la solidarité euro-atlantique ?, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 26, 18 March 2019
L’implication de la Belgique dans la cyberstratégie euro-atlantique : état des lieux et défis à relever, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 139, February 2019
New Space : conséquences politiques, industrielles et doctrinales de l’entrée des nouveaux acteurs du secteur spatial, Alain DE NEVE, Security & Strategy 138, February 2020
Le programme B-21 Raider : armement stratégique ou institutionnel ?, Alain DE NEVE, Focus Paper 38, January 2019
Turkey’s stance. Status quaestionis of an “Islamic ally” within NATO, (English, Dutch, French), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 24, 27 November 2017
Countering “Hybrid Threats”: Belgium and the Euro-Atlantic Strategy, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 131, October 2017
Related events:
Embedding Poland’s Military Development in the NATO-EU Context, Evening conference, 23 January 2025
Ballistic missile defence within NATO: the way ahead, Evening conference, 15 December 2022
Access to Space in the Era of New Space Entrepreneurship, Online evening conference, 24 September 2020
NATO has turned 70 : Time for retirement? Is the Organisation still vital for Europe?, Evening conference, 24 October 2019
US-China Relations under the Trump Administration: Europe Caught in a Trap?, Evening conference, 19 September 2019
Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Returnees : What can we learn from the US expertise?, Evening conference, 17 May 2018
Russia’s National Security Strategy and Military Doctrine : Implications for the EU and NATO, Evening conference, 21 June 2018
America First: What impact on the EU global strategy in the area of security and defence?, Evening conference, 8 February 2018
Cyber Security and Cyber Defence: Threats, challenges and strategic responses, Colloquium, 24 October 2017
The United States as a “World Security Provider” From entering World War I to the shift towards the Pacific, Colloquium, 20 April 2017
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