The research line “Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa” deals with the major political and security challenges of this region. The CSDS pays a particular attention to Belgium’s and the EU’s areas of interest, to crisis and conflict management, to UN actions in this field and to what makes the whole region so attractive for Western and emerging powers (especially in terms of access to resources).

Researcher: Didier LEROY

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report
Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: what about the place of women in peace negotiations?
Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE, Hon. Ambassador

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism
Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy, Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx

Related publications:

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report, Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 62, 25 June 2024

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: what about the place of women in peace negotiations? (English, FrenchDutch), Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE, Hon. Ambassador, e-note 60, 7 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism, Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy & Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx, e-note 59, 29 May 2024

Security Sector Reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: ensuring local participation in programme design and implementation, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Focus Paper 45, September 2022

La crise malienne de 2012 : chronique d’une catastrophe annoncée, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 151, June 2022

La politique sécuritaire des États-Unis au Sahel de 1990 à nos jours : un engagement indirect, graduel et ambivalent, Polyvios CHRISTODOULOU, Focus Paper 44, May 2022

The French Withdrawal from Mali in Perspective: An Irreconcilable Partnership?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, e-Note 37, 21 March 2022

Blacklisting Ikhwanis, Tolerating Salafis, Killing Jihadis: The Islamist Landscape of EgyptDidier LEROY, Security & Strategy 149, October 2021

La Belgique et le multilatéralisme en Afrique : entre rhétorique et pratiqueMyrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 148, June 2021

Le Brésil : un acteur pertinent en Afrique ? Le projet de la Zone de paix et de coopération de l’Atlantique Sud (ZOPACAS) : de l’émergence au déclin, Anaïs GEUDENS, Focus Paper 40, July 2019

Le « retour » de la Russie en Afrique subsaharienne : sécurité et défense au service de la politique étrangère de Vladimir Poutine, Amandine DUSOULIER, Focus Paper 39, July 2019

Présences chinoise et russe en Afrique : différences, convergences, conséquences, Eleftheris VIGNE, Focus Paper 37, July 2018

La menace islamiste dans la région des Grands Lacs : un enjeu sécuritaire utile ?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 133, January 2018

Democracy and the DRC: a failed encounter?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, e-Note 23, 28 March 2017

La gestion internationale des conflits africains: Prévenir, Protéger et Projeter, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 129, December 2016

L’assistance militaire : quel rôle dans la prévention des conflits en Afrique ?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 123, May 2016

La viabilité des frontières africaines au regard des revendications d’ordre identitaire. Les exemples de Bakassi et de l’Azawad, Déborah GUIDEZ, Focus Paper 34, October 2015

International Responses to the Risk of Genocide: A Comparative Analysis of Rwanda and South Sudan, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Focus Paper 30, December 2014

Related events:

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe. Four Seas, Four Challenges: North Sea – Mediterranean Sea – Black Sea – Gulf of Guinea, Seminar, 16 April 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda: Time for Pragmatism, Seminar, 21 March 2024

The German vision on EU-African relations, Evening conference, 25 January 2024

Lessons Learned from European development projects in Niger, Evening conference, 26 October 2023

Women’s role in peace processes on the African continent, Evening conference, 22 June 2023

The Gulf of Guinea: caught between illegal fishing, pirates and armed terrorist groups?, Evening conference, 17 November 2022

Niger: A Conversation with EU Ambassador Dr Denisa-Elena Ionete, Evening conference, 16 June 2022

Rising Russian and Chinese Presence in Africa, Evening conference, 18 November 2021

Al-Qaeda and Global Jihad: A State of Play Twenty Years after 9/11, Online colloquium, 21 October 2021

The EU and Central Africa: time for a reset?, Online evening conference, 20 May 2021

The Sahel Challenges. Regional security situation and operational responses in Mali, Evening conference, 16 May 2019

From World War I to Present: The Long Road to Self-determination and the Geopolitical Empowerment of Africa, Colloquium, 26 April 2018

The Eu and Belgium in Africa: policy priorities and engagements, Evening conference, 23 November 2017