The research line “Threats, challenges and strategic responses” deals with the evolution of the security environment and the conceptual developments in the use of defence capabilities to tackle identified threats. The CSDS’ research interests include conflicts and operations, terrorism, hybrid threats and strategies, cyber security and cyber strategy, strategic communication as well as climate change.

Researcher: Estelle HOORICKX

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique
peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ?
Colonel Vincent MANIET

Hybrid Threats: What are the Challenges for our Democracies

Understanding, anticipating and adapting to climate change: what are the challenges for the armed forces?

Related publications:

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ? (FrenchDutch), Colonel Vincent MANIET, e-note 61, 20 June 2024

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ? (FrenchDutch), Colonel Vincent MANIET, e-note 61, 20 June 2024

Hybrid Threats: What are the Challenges for our Democracies, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 54, 26 January 2024

La cyberguerre en Ukraine : quelques enseignements pour l’OTAN et l’UE, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 49, 10 July 2023

Les armées face aux changements climatiques : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la Défense belge, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 153, June 2023

La lutte euro-atlantique contre la désinformation : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la BelgiqueEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 150, October 2021

Le « retour » des armes nucléaires non stratégiquesAndré DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 144, April 2020

Entre « déradicalisation » et désengagement : comparatif franco-belgeAndré DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 142, May 2019

Crossed Views on Jihadism in the Middle East: The Engagement of Lebanese Fighters in Syria, Elena AOUN & Didier LEROY, Security & Strategy 140, February 2019

L’implication de la Belgique dans la cyberstratégie euro-atlantique : état des lieux et défis à releverEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 139, February 2019

L’initiative européenne d’intervention. Enjeux et supportsAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 25, 2 March 2018

La menace islamiste dans la région des Grands Lacs : un enjeu sécuritaire utile ?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Security & Strategy 133, January 2018

Countering “Hybrid Threats”: Belgium and the Euro-Atlantic StrategyEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 131, October 2017

Invloed van de Arabische Lente op migratie en bescherming van de Europese grenzen, Eddy BOOGHS, Security & Strategy 127, September 2016

België gewapend tegen het terrorisme? Een lezing van het fenomeen en zijn bestrijding: strategieën en middele, Lars SCRAEYEN, Security & Strategy 126, September 2016

Hervorming Special Operations Forces: Vijf dimensies voor de voltooiing, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 21, 1st August 2016

Kritieke energie infrastructuur: kadrering en afhankelijkheden, Bart SMEDTS, Security & Strategy 124, May 2016

Van München tot Molenbeek: Operationele veiligheid en de media, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 19, 26 March 2016

Vers une érosion du soutien à la dissuasion nucléaire française ?, André DUMOULIN, Focus Paper 31, October 2015

Nuclear disarmament: Hedging for Better or Worse, Bart SMEDTS, Focus Paper 32, July 2015

Opérations militaires : entre prise de risque, solidarité, souveraineté et « entrée en premier », André DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 121, August 2015

The influx of migrants in Europe. Unravelling the issue, (English, Dutch, French), Catheline REMY, e-Note 18, 22 September 2015

What to expect after latest IAEA report on Iran? The deal and its consequences, (English, Dutch, French), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 17, 26 February 2015

Related events:

Understanding, anticipating and adapting to climate change: what are the challenges for the armed forces?, Evening conference, 20 December 2023

Mad or Bad? Forensic psychology and the will to go beyond a binary look on radicalisation, Evening conference, 23 November 2023

New insights into radicalisation within the armed forces, Evening conference, 27 April 2023

Why does Belgium need a Cyber Command?, Evening conference, 2 March 2023

Belgium, Europe and Strategic Autonomy in Space, Evening conference, 16 February 2023

Naval Power and Geostrategic Perspectives: The British Example, Evening conference, 14 October 2021

International communication strategies. The case of China and Russia, Online evening conference, 22 October 2020

The Post-Daesh Landscape across Syria and Iraq. General Overview and Focus on the Kurdish Actors, Evening conference, 13 February 2020

Military Force Projection at Risk? The question of Anti-Access/Area Denial, Evening conference, 21 November 2019

Climate Change and its Impact on International Security, Evening conference, 13 June 2019

The Sahel Challenges. Regional security situation and operational responses in Mali, Evening conference, 16 May 2019

Bots, Social Media and Political Propaganda, Evening conference, 26 March 2019

Cyber Security and Cyber Defence: Threats, challenges and strategic responses, Colloquium, 24 October 2017