Associated researcher of the Centre for Security and Defence Studies


Defence capabilities and technologies


Michaela completed her bachelor and master studies in aerospace engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, the Netherlands) with a focus on aerodynamics and hypersonics. She conducted internships with the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2018 in the field of hypersonic design and the German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) in 2019 in the field of space engine testing. Afterwards, she obtained her doctorate in applied mathematics at KU Leuven University in the topic of space weather modelling and forecasting. During her internship at the Centre for Security and Defence Studies in 2023, she primarily focused on the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles. As a specialist in space weather, she also assists in providing space weather training and advisory to a variety of – mainly defence – stakeholders and users. She is currently an assistant professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA).


Space weather
Unmanned technology
Space technology


Wings of Change: The Evolution of Unmanned Aerial Warfare in UkraineMichaela BRCHNELOVÁ, e-note 65, 13 December 2024

Can unmanned aerial systems be a“game changer” in modern warfare? Effects and efficacy of unmanned aerial warfare in armed conflicts, Michaela BRCHNELOVÁ, Focus Paper 46, July 2024

More than just one type of weather to worry about? The impact of space weather on military operations, Michaela BRCHNELOVÁ, e-note 46, 29 March 2023