This Focus Paper sets out the proceedings of the colloquium organised on 22 November 2022, which focused on the legal and managerial aspects of managing religious and philosophical convictions within the Belgian Defence. It also analyses the ideas and reflections that emerged during this day. Finally, it puts forward general recommendations offering guidelines for the future.
This research shows that the debate on managing convictions within the Belgian Defence is intrinsically related to societal challenges in Belgium and Europe. Furthermore, it is essential to keep abreast of ongoing debates and developments in case law. However, the active promotion of interfaith dialogue and pluralism, supported, among others, by Belgian military chaplaincies, enables the Belgian Defence to develop creative solutions, with due regard to the rights and responsibilities of each individual within the spiritual and existential sphere.
Lastly, the topics covered in this Focus Paper can also support broader scientific and academic research on the geopolitical challenges in Belgium and at the international level that are linked to religious and philosophical convictions.
Research line: Belgium
Source photo: BE Defence

Focus Paper hors série
La gestion des convictions religieuses et philosophiques au sein de la Défense belge : cadre juridique et recommandations