This article incorporates the speech given by Dr Myriam Bacquelaine, Belgian Hon. Ambassador, at the seminar organised by the RHID and the CSDS (Tournai, 21 March 2024) within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU (“24 Years of WPS Agenda: Time for Pragmatism”). In order to illustrate her point, the author presents the case of Mali and explores the diplomatic dimension of peace building, as recommended by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted unanimously in 2000. Although women have been lobbying in an institutionalised way for more than 100 years (since 1915, to be precise) to take part in peace negotiations, the findings are distressing. Despite the binding nature of UNSCR 1325, women are still largely invisible at the negotiating table in 2024. This article looks at the reasons for this continuous invisibility, while research results clearly demonstrate the added value of women’s participation in peace building processes. (The report of the seminar in Tournai on this subject has been published in the form of an e-Note (e-Note 59).)

e-Note 60
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: what about the place of women in peace negotiations?
Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE, Hon. Ambassador
Research line: Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa
Source : UN Photo (Marco Dormino)