
The e-Notes are articles covering topical issues.

The views expressed in the e-Notes are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence, the Belgian Defence or the Belgian Government. The e-Notes are, as a rule, written in the author’s mother tongue, and some are translated in the other working languages of the RHID (French, Dutch, English).

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report
Capitaine Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique
peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ?
Colonel Vincent MANIET

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: what about the place of women in peace negotiations?
Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE, Hon. Ambassador

Previous e-Notes:

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report, Capitaine Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 62, 25 June 2024

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ? (FrenchDutch), Colonel Vincent MANIET, e-note 61, 20 June 2024

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: what about the place of women in peace negotiations? (English, FrenchDutch), Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE, Hon. Ambassador, e-note 60, 7 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism, Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy & Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx, e-note 59, 29 May 2024

Shielding the Skies: A Comprehensive Look at Operation “True Promise” and the Coalition Defence Effort, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 58, 3 May 2024

Dual Use and Military Mobility Seminar Report: Fast-tracking Military Mobility, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-note 57, 26 April 2024

What Prospects for Israel after the War?, Chloé BERGER & Didier LEROY, e-note 56, 15 March 2024

What Prospects for Palestine after the War?, Didier LEROY & Chloé BERGER, e-note 55, 14 February 2024

Hybrid Threats: What are the Challenges for our Democracies, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 54, 26 January 2024

7 octobre 2023 : l’attaque perpétrée par le Hamas à partir de la bande de Gaza – Intentions, opérations et implications pour la Belgique et sa Défense, Patrick VERMER, e-note 53, 16 January 2024

Edge of Tomorrow: Navigating the Ethical and Strategic Complexities of Emerging Disruptive Technologies in Modern Warfare, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 52, 8 January 2023

Interinstitutional cooperation as a driver of improved military mobility in Europe, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-Note 51, 20 September 2023

Du Service d’utilité collective à la défense totale, André DUMOULIN, e-note 50, 4 September 2023

La cyberguerre en Ukraine : quelques enseignements pour l’OTAN et l’UE, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 49, 10 July 2023

Why Russia’s reckless breakout from New START really matters, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 48, 5 June 2023

Israël en 2023 : 75 ans de symphonie martiale, Didier LEROY, e-Note 47, 5 May 2023

More than just one type of weather to worry about? The impact of space weather on military operations, Michaela BRCHNELOVA, e-note 46, 29 March 2023

Les enjeux juridiques et stratégiques insoupçonnés de la très haute altitude, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 45, 13 March 2023

Whither the Kurds in “Post-ISIS” Syria?, Fabrice BALANCHE & Didier LEROY, e-Note 44, 25 January 2023

ASAT thermonucléaire : une option pour la Chine ? Conséquences géophysiques et diplomatiques, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 43, 9 December 2022

How seriously should we take Russia’s nuclear threat?, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 42, 21 November 2022

Ramadan 2022: A Time to Reflect… on Hamas and Hezbollah, Nelly ATLAN & Didier LEROY, e-Note 41, 28 June 2022

La clause d’assistance mutuelle du Traité sur l’Union européenne (article 42§7 TUE) permet-elle de répondre adéquatement aux nouvelles menaces?, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 40, 11 May 2022

Surenchère nucléaire et élucubrations médiatiques, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 39, 20 April 2022

Russia’s Space Strategy: From Dusk to Dawn?, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 38, 29 March 2022

The French Withdrawal from Mali in Perspective: An Irreconcilable Partnership?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, e-Note 37, 21 March 2022

SpaceX and Disruptive Innovation: The Emperor’s New Clothes?, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 36, 10 January 2022

Israel in 2021: Boasting six Arab allies, but facing the six armies of Tehran, Didier LEROY, e-Note 35, 13 December 2021

Taking Stock of the Space Weaponisation Issue, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 34, 1 December 2021

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is back. What about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?, Didier LEROY, e-Note 33, 18 October 2021

Vers un retour de la guerre de haute intensité face à la « menace chinoise » ?, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 32, 31 May 2021

Toward A Limitless World?, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 31, 22 April 2021

Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) : expression paradoxale de la technologisation, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 30, 19 February 2021

L’OTAN et le médecin légisteAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 29, 19 December 2019

Parole des militaires belges. Enjeux, limites et opportunitésAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 28, 18 October 2019

SCAF : un condensé des vicissitudes européennes ?Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 27, 7 October 2019

L’OTAN et la supériorité technologique américaine : un risque pour la solidarité euro-atlantique ?Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 26, 18 March 2019

L’initiative européenne d’intervention. Enjeux et supportsAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 25, 2 March 2018

Turkey’s stance. Status quaestionis of an “Islamic ally” within NATO, (EnglishDutchFrench), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 24, 27 November 2017

Democracy and the DRC: a failed encounter?, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, e-Note 23, 28 March 2017

Quel cadre légal pour la lutte armée contre l’Etat Islamique ?, Catheline REMY, e-Note 22, 20 September 2016

Hervorming Special Operations Forces: Vijf dimensies voor de voltooiing, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 21, 1st August 2016

Brexit et défense européenne. DécryptageAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 20, 8 June 2016

Van München tot Molenbeek: Operationele veiligheid en de media, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 19, 26 March 2016

The influx of migrants in Europe. Unravelling the issue, (EnglishDutchFrench), Catheline REMY, e-Note 18, 22 September 2015

What to expect after latest IAEA report on Iran? The deal and its consequences, (EnglishDutchFrench), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 17, 26 February 2015

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). Quels atouts ? Quels enjeux ? Quelles incidences sur l’opérationnalité des armées ?Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 16, 17 February 2015

The last deadline for Iran…and the West? Underlying interests (EnglishDutchFrench), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 15, 19 September 2014

Israel and Hamas Three Questions on The Current Conflict (EnglishDutchFrench), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 14, 1st September 2014