In a world where technological evolution and the complexity of conflicts redefine security paradigms, the EU faces unprecedented challenges, which are amplified not only by the digitalisation of our societies and the emergence of conflicts without clear boundaries known as hybrid wars, but also by the rise of cognitive warfare as a primary battlefield. Social media and influence operations beyond classical psychological operations aim at directing the behaviour and attitudes of often unsuspecting citizens. This year, crucial electoral deadlines across the globe set the stage for intense psychological manipulation campaigns aimed at influencing the course of democracy, illustrating the power and pervasiveness of disinformation strategies to mould global public opinion. By shaping perceptions during elections, these tactics of subtle persuasion could seriously erode the solidarity and adherence of citizens to the strategic choices made by their leaders, challenging social cohesion and the legitimacy of political decisions.
Therefore, this seminar aims to get defence and security experts, policymakers, academics and engaged citizens to reflect on the most suitable solutions to address these complex challenges. By fully taking into account the cognitive dimension alongside cybernetic and hybrid aspects, a comprehensive and integrated approach to security is embraced.
Source image: Gerd Altmann de Pixabay
Securing the Future in the Age of Cyber and Cognitive Warfare
Language: English
Seminar videos:
Welcome addresses
Rear Admiral (retd) Jacques ROSIERS
Conceptual approaches
Alexander FOTESCU
Case studies
Etienne SOULA
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels