Facing the return of the worldwide realpolitik behaviour and the rivalries between powers, the European Union must assert itself as a true geopolitical player and emerge as a relevant security and defence actor capable of protecting its citizens. Aligning itself with established EU policies, the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union (BE EU Presidency) intends to pursue initiatives that will strengthen the EU’s ability to take up its role as a global security actor within the framework of the Common Foreign Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).
To further promote the inclusion of women in peace processes, the BE EU Presidency organises a seminar on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). The seminar will recall why the WPS Agenda matters now more than ever, 24 years after its creation. It will take stock of its most salient achievements – and worst failures – through case studies from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Mali and elsewhere. Finally, it will focus on the pragmatic implementation of the agenda in the framework of future EU CSDP missions and operations.
24 Years of WPS Agenda:
Time for Pragmatism
Download invitation and programme
Languages: English and French
Seminar videos and Power Point presentations:
Welcome addresses
Welcome addresses video
Her Majesty Queen Mathilde of Belgium Speech fr
Mrs Ludivine DEDONDER Speech fr, nl & en
Panel 1: Why the WPS Agenda still matters
Prof. Dr Megan MACKENZIE Video & ppt
Dr Denis MUKWEGE Video & ppt
Mrs Fatima MAIGA Video & ppt
Intermediate addresses
Mrs Hadja LAHBIB Video
Mrs Caroline GENNEZ Video & Speech nl
Panel 2: A state of play through case studies
Prof. Dr Jennifer GREENBURG Video & ppt
Dr Myriam BACQUELAINE Video & ppt
Gen Maj Justine SHESHI Video & ppt
Panel 3: Implementing UNSCR 1325: Best practices and lessons learned
Mrs Gisela DUETTING Video & ppt
Lt Col Katherine PRUDHOE Video & ppt
Mrs Terhi LEHTINEN Video & ppt
Closing remarks
Eric KALAJZIC Video & Keynote fr & en
Town Hall of Tournai
Rue Saint-Martin 52
B-7500 Tournai