Next July, the NATO summit in Washington will be the occasion to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty. The Organisation has never appeared so indispensable as it did since 24 February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine for the second time. This forced the Atlantic Alliance to refocus on its historic mission: the collective defence of its member countries.
Faced with the return of high-intensity warfare in Europe, the crisis in the Middle East, the rise of China in the Indo-Pacific, the terrorist threat, hybrid warfare, the climate challenge and the potential political unrest that could arise within the Alliance in the year ahead, will Europe seize the opportunity to assert itself more autonomously in an Alliance that has certainly been revitalised but is now facing an increasingly dangerous and uncertain world?
How can the deterrence and collective defence of the Atlantic Alliance be further strengthened in the face of the Russian threat? How can NATO play a more active role in providing military aid to Ukraine? What are the defence industrial challenges facing NATO today, and how can they be resolved? Considering the United States’ “pivot” to Asia and Donald Trump’s possible return to the White House, should NATO’s European pillar be strengthened? To meet common challenges, how can the Alliance consolidate relations with its southern neighbours (in the Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel) and its partnership with the Indo-Pacific countries (Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea)?
Research lines: Security and defence architecture, Transatlantic relations
Source image : © NATO
Evening conference
NATO: 75 years old, but still vital, flexible
and attractive
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Her Excellency Ariadne Petridis
Moderator : Estelle HOORICKX
Language: French, Dutch
Simultaneous interpretation in Dutch, English and French
3 June 2024, 18:00 – 19:30
> 17:30 – Registration
> 18:00 – Conference
> 19:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels