Until recently, the 2020s had been marked by security challenges that had a kind of a ‘new’ taste (i.e., the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine or unprecedented tensions in the South China Sea). However, on 7 October 2023, the Gaza-based Hamas movement inflicted its own version of 9/11 to Israel, bringing back the 75-year-old Palestinian question to the forefront of international affairs.
In addition, in the context of worldwide polarisation triggered by this development, Belgium has been struck by a jihadi terrorist attack and finds itself – again – struggling with ‘old’ demons from the 2010s: Islamist radicalisation and violent extremism.
While early approaches to these phenomena have generated shallow perceptions (‘bad’ – ideologically indoctrinated – versus ‘mad’ – psychologically disturbed – persons), a more recent literature has highlighted the complexity of radicalisation processes. It seems timely to explore one of the most promising avenues of this multidisciplinarity: the contribution of forensic psychology to the matter.
To address this topic in the light of different (clinical) fieldworks, we will have the pleasure to welcome Mrs Astrid Boelaert (FPS Interior), Prof Dr Paul Gill (University College London) and Prof Dr Anne Speckhard (International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism).
Research lines: Threats, challenges and strategic responses; Europe; Middle East and North Africa
Source image: © Adobestock
Evening conference
Mad or Bad? Forensic psychology and the will to go beyond a binary look on radicalisation
Conference videos
Mr Gert VERCAUTEREN (non-diffused)
Prof. Dr Paul GILL
Moderator: Didier LEROY
Language: English
Simultaneous interpretation in Dutch and French
23 November 2023, 17:00 – 18:30
> 16:30 – Registration
> 17:00 – Conference
> 18:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels