Research policy

Scientific and technological research within Defence is essential to preserve and strengthen the security environment of Belgium and its partners. Therefore, it is part of both a national and international framework, in accordance with federal and regional competences. Several recent European initiatives, such as the European Defence Fund (EDF), highlight this growing importance. In particular, Belgium has committed, within the framework of PESCO , to devote 2% of the national Defence budget to the military scientific and technological research.
This must result in a high quality and high performance scientific and technological research that contributes substantially to Defence objectives, so that Defence evolves with the latest technological advances and can adapt to a rapidly changing environment. In addition, the research will contribute to strengthening the Belgian Defence and security industrial sectors.
The strategic objectives of scientific and technological research are:
- contributing to the Defence-related skills base by supporting military academic education;
- contributing to short- and long-term capacity development, in line with the Integrated Capability Development Plan (ICDP) and the Strategic Vision;
- contributing to the culture of innovation planned within Defence, both in terms of technology and process improvement;
- contributing, in accordance with the Defence, Industry and Research Strategy (DIRS), to the development of a competitive and credible national industrial and technological base in the field of security and defence, within the framework of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB), in particular by implementing the triple helix model, a pragmatic partnership between Defence, research institutions and industry.