The research line “Eurasia” deals with the security and defence issues of the region stretching from Europe’s eastern neighbourhood to the Far East. The CSDS’ interests include the Balkans, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Russia as well as South Asia (in particular Afghanistan, India and Pakistan), East Asia (China and Japan), but also other regions such as Central Asia and South-East Asia. The CSDS pays a particular attention to Russia’s foreign and defence policy as well as China’s emergence on the global scene.

Researcher : Nicolas GOSSET

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique
peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ?
Colonel Vincent MANIET

Maritime Security and Strategy:
Türkiye’s ‘Blue Homeland’ Doctrine

Didier LEROY

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism
Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy, Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx

Related publications:

Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ? (FrenchDutch), Colonel Vincent MANIET, e-note 61, 20 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism, Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy & Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx, e-note 59, 29 May 2024

Hybrid Threats: What are the Challenges for our Democracies, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 54, 26 January 2024

Why Russia’s reckless breakout from New START really matters, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 48, 5 June 2023

Les enjeux juridiques et stratégiques insoupçonnés de la très haute altitude, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 45, 13 March 2023

ASAT thermonucléaire : une option pour la Chine ? Conséquences géophysiques et diplomatiques, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 43, 9 December 2022

How seriously should we take Russia’s nuclear threat?, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 42, 21 November 2022

Surenchère nucléaire et élucubrations médiatiques, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 39, 20 April 2022

« Cinquante nuances d’Ukraine 2022 » Perspectives après plus d’un mois de guerre, Nicolas GOSSET, Focus Paper 43, April 2022

Russia’s Space Strategy: From Dusk to Dawn?, Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 38, 29 March 2022

La lutte euro-atlantique contre la désinformation : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la BelgiqueEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 150, October 2021

Ressources et enjeux stratégiques dans l’Arctique. Un retour de la géopolitique ?Nicolas GOSSET, Security & Strategy 145, February 2021

CHINA – Systemic Rival, Economic Competitor, and Negotiating Partner?, Focus Paper Special Issue, October 2020

Le « retour » de la Russie en Afrique subsaharienne : sécurité et défense au service de la politique étrangère de Vladimir Poutine, Amandine DUSOULIER, Focus Paper 39, July 2019

Le partenariat russo-chinois à l’heure Trump : un nouvel ordre mondial illibéral en formation?Nicolas GOSSET, Security & Strategy 141, February 2019

Présences chinoise et russe en Afrique : différences, convergences, conséquences, Eleftheris VIGNE, Focus Paper 37, July 2018

Dans les pas de l’« Autre géant ». Évolutions contemporaines de la politique de défense et de sécurité de l’IndeNicolas GOSSET, Security & Strategy 135, January 2018

Russia-EU Relations: An Era of Sanction Policy and International (Dis)order, Maarten TOELEN, Focus Paper 36, January 2017

Confronting Threats from the Political-Criminal Nexus in Greater Central Eurasia: Implications for operations and future armed conflicts, Nicolas GOSSET, Security & Strategy 128, December 2016

Crise russo-ukrainienne. Conséquences sur les politiques de défense OTAN, UE et de défense nationaleAndré DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 125, June 2016

Related events:

Maritime Security and Strategy: Türkiye’s ‘Blue Homeland’ Doctrine, Evening conference, 20 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda: Time for Pragmatism, Seminar, 21 March 2024

UNC Watch and the Impact of the Two Koreas on Regional Security, Evening conference, 18 September 2023

Consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict for the OSCE and for peace and stability in Europe, Evening conference, 19 January 2023

The challenges of Western military capabilities in the light of the Ukraine crisis, Evening conference, 21 September 2022

Six months of war in Ukraine: challenges and consequences for European security, Evening conference, 15 September 2022

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the security dimension of EU-China connectivity, Online evening conference, 27 January 2022

Rising Russian and Chinese Presence in Africa, Evening conference, 18 November 2021

Al-Qaeda and Global Jihad: A State of Play Twenty Years after 9/11, Online colloquium, 21 October 2021

China’s New Naval Power: A Challenge to the Freedom of Navigation in Asia-Pacific?, Evening conference, 25 March 2021

Another kind of proxy war? Russia’s use of “semi-state” paramilitary forces, Evening conference, 28 January 2021

International communication strategies. The case of China and Russia, Online evening conference, 22 October 2020

The EU, Russia and the changing shape of the Arctic, Evening conference, 12 December 2019

Military Force Projection at Risk? The question of Anti-Access/Area Denial, Evening conference, 21 November 2019

US-China Relations under the Trump Administration: Europe Caught in a Trap?, Evening conference, 19 September 2019

Russia’s National Security Strategy and Military Doctrine : Implications for the EU and NATO, Evening conference, 21 June 2018

What Relations between the EU and Russia, Now and in the Future: Cooperation and/or Conflict?, Evening conference, 14 December 2017

The United States as a “World Security Provider” From entering World War I to the shift towards the Pacific, Colloquium, 27 April 2017

Japan’ s Evolving Defence and Security Policy and the Security Dilemma in Asia – Pacific, Evening conference, 13 December 2016