De Europese betrokkenheid in de evolutie van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict


A striking element of the European involvement in the Israeli-Palestine conflict is that Europe bears a dramatic responsibility in the origin and causes of the conflict, although it has almost never played a key role in the negotiations to resolve it. There is one exception, i.e. the role played by Norwegian sociologist Terje Larsen who took an initiative that led to the well-known Oslo Accords. The EU, however, has never had any impact in Middle East peace talks so far.

After a historical introduction, this study will explain how deep Europe’s involvement was in the origin and causes of the conflict. Furthermore, an overview of the conflict will show that Europe was somehow involved in it, but the EU has not shown any strength yet in terms of peace efforts.

In this study no final solutions to the Israeli-Palestine conflict will be proposed – that would be too ambitious to be credible – yet suggestions will be made on how the EU can put itself in a position in order to play a constructive and significant role in Israeli-Palestinian relations.

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