Focus Papers

The Focus Paper series publishes the research results that, strictly speaking, do not fall within the scope of the Belgian Defence’s annual scientific research programme. The proposed studies cover ad hoc issues as well as the results of research conducted by trainees at the CSDS.

The views expressed in the Focus Papers are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence, the Belgian Defence or the Belgian Government. The Focus Papers are, as a rule, written in the author’s mother tongue, and are not translated.

The war in Ukraine through the lens of joint functions


Hervorming van de Reserve: naar een Belgische territoriale home guard?


Belgian Security & Resilience 2040: which societal resources to mobilise

Centre for Security and Defence Studies

Previous Focus Papers

The war in Ukraine through the lens of joint functions, Thomas DRIES, Bart LEENDERS, Jason MARCHAL, Gilles MARX & Philip SCHROOTEN, Focus Paper Special Issue, December 2023

Hervorming van de Reserve: naar een Belgische territoriale home guard?, Luc AUDOORE, Focus Paper themanummer, October 2023

Belgian Security & Resilience 2040: which societal resources to mobilise ?, Centre for Security and Defence Studies, Focus Paper Special Issue, September 2023

Security Sector Reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: ensuring local participation in programme design and implementation, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Focus Paper 45, September 2022

La politique sécuritaire des États-Unis au Sahel de 1990 à nos jours : un engagement indirect, graduel et ambivalent, Polyvios CHRISTODOULOU, Focus Paper 44, May 2022

« Cinquante nuances d’Ukraine 2022 » Perspectives après plus d’un mois de guerre, Nicolas GOSSET, Focus Paper 43, April 2022

Taking Up Arms and Laying Them Down: Lessons Learned from the Lebanese Civil War?, Didier LEROY, Focus Paper 42, February 2022

Le Léviathan et les Nations Unies – De la nature guerrière à l’art de la paix, Catheline REMY, Focus Paper 41, January 2021

CHINA – Systemic Rival, Economic Competitor, and Negotiating Partner?, Focus Paper Special Issue, October 2020

Le Brésil : un acteur pertinent en Afrique ? Le projet de la Zone de paix et de coopération de l’Atlantique Sud (ZOPACAS) : de l’émergence au déclin, Anaïs GEUDENS, Focus Paper 40, July 2019

Le « retour » de la Russie en Afrique subsaharienne : sécurité et défense au service de la politique étrangère de Vladimir Poutine, Amandine DUSOULIER, Focus Paper 39, July 2019

Le programme B-21 Raider : armement stratégique ou institutionnel ?Alain DE NEVE, Focus Paper 38, January 2019

Présences chinoise et russe en Afrique : différences, convergences, conséquences, Eleftheris VIGNE, Focus Paper 37, July 2018

Russia-EU Relations: An Era of Sanction Policy and International (Dis)order, Maarten TOELEN, Focus Paper 36, January 2017

Defending Europe: Dual-Use Technologies and Drone Development in the European Union, Raluca CSERNATONI, Focus Paper 35, September 2016

La viabilité des frontières africaines au regard des revendications d’ordre identitaire. Les exemples de Bakassi et de l’Azawad, Déborah GUIDEZ, Focus Paper 34, October 2015

Les Kurdes d’Irak, grands gagnants de la guerre contre l’Etat islamique ? Une analyse à moyen terme, Gauthier WÉRY, Focus Paper 33, August 2015

Nuclear disarmament: Hedging for Better or Worse, Bart SMEDTS, Focus Paper 32, July 2015

Vers une érosion du soutien à la dissuasion nucléaire française ?André DUMOULIN, Focus Paper 31, October 2015

International Responses to the Risk of Genocide: A Comparative Analysis of Rwanda and South Sudan, Myrto HATZIGEORGOPOULOS, Focus Paper 30, December 2014