Seminar, 22-23 November 2024

The High Studies for Security and Defenc: an elite training in global strategic and security issues

The High Studies for Security and Defence (HSSD), organised by the Royal Higher Institute for Defence (RHID) in collaboration with the Egmont Institute, area high-level course aimed at the decision-makers in the field of security and defence. Intended to superior officers, civil servants and executives, the course focuses on an in-depth understanding of security and defence issues, within a multidisciplinary framework.

From 22 to 23 November 2024, the third seminar of this training brought together several experts to address factors of instability issues essential on the global stage. The programme included presentations with a rich content and lively debates on the key issues shaping today’s world. The next seminar (on 13 and 14 December 2024) will be the second and final seminar on factors of instability on the world stage.

Immersion at the heart of major security challenges

Lieutenant commander Patrick Praet opened the seminar with a presentation giving the participants (“auditors”) a better understanding of the role and missions of the Belgian Defence in the national and international context. This presentation aimed to give civilian auditors a better understanding of Defence resources and capabilities.

Bernard Siman, a member of the Egmont Institute and an expert in strategy, shed light on the notion of hybrid warfare. This concept, increasingly central to modern international conflicts, groups together the many forms of ambiguous and equivocal warfare used to destabilise adversaries without going as far as a hard kinetic confrontation.

The evolution of the media and information management have been addressed in the presentation of François Heinderyckx, professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles. In a context where disinformation is a growing threat, he proposed an analysis of the new dynamics involved in informing oneself and others effectively.

Two renowned experts then tackled a subject of crucial strategic importance: the proliferation of weapons. Nils Duquet, Director of the Vlaams Vredesinstituut, addressed the issues related to small arms and light weapons, while Professor Tom Sauer of Antwerp University focused on the geopolitical implications of nuclear weapons.

Geopolitical issues and global security on the agenda for the second day

Dr Christopher Kinsey, Professor at King’s College London, gave a presentation on the fast-growing phenomenon of the privatisation of security and warfare. He analysed the role of private military companies and contractors in conflict zones, as well as their ethical, strategic, legal and practical implications.

Katleen De Meulenaere, a biothreat expert within the Belgian Defence, shared her knowledge of biological risks, a subject of growing concern in an era of pandemics and emerging technologies.

Finally, in the context of the rise of so-called extremist parties and their impact on democracy and national security, Luk Sanders interviewed Benjamin Pestieau about whether or not the Parti du travail de Belgique/Partij van de Arbeid van België (PTB/PVDA) is extremist.

An exciting training for the leaders of tomorrow

The HSSD are much more than a series of seminars with some visits. It is an exceptional opportunity for the auditors to broaden their horizons, debate with renowned experts and strengthen their understanding of security and defence issues. The course also provides an opportunity to forge solid links with key figures from a wide range of sectors, from the military to civil society, academia, politics, diplomacy and industry, among others.

Would you like to develop your strategic skills and join a unique network of experts and decision-makers? Applications are still open for the 2025-2026 session of the HSSD until 15 December 2024.

Do not miss out on this exceptional opportunity and apply now to become a key player in tomorrow’s global challenges.