Participate in Our Survey on the Belgian Defence and Security-related Technological and Industrial Base (BE-DSTIB)

Dear community members,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a crucial survey set up as part of the BEPIDS project, in collaboration with the VUB, the FPS Economy and Agoria-BSDI. This survey offers a unique opportunity for companies, research organisations and higher education institutions to contribute to an in-depth analysis of the economic impact of the Belgian Defence (and Security-related) Technological and Industrial Base (BE-D(S)TIB).

Why is this survey important?

The BE-D(S)TIB plays a vital role in supplying goods, services, and technologies to defence and public security actors, either directly or through the supply chain. This survey aims to assess the economic impact of this key sector in Belgium and to identify the trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping its future.

By participating in this survey, you will have the chance to share your expertise and experiences, contributing to a better understanding of how the Belgian technological and industrial sector supports defence and security at both national and European levels.

How to participate?

The survey is simple and quick; it should take no more than 12 minutes to complete. To participate, click on the following link :

A few important points to keep in mind:

  • Returning to the survey: As long as you do not delete your browser history, you can return to the survey at any time to complete your responses.
  • Confidentiality: You may leave any questions you do not wish to answer blank. Additionally, your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. Only aggregated statistics will be shared in the final reports.

What you will receive after completing the survey

As a thank you for your participation, you will receive:

  • a confirmation email with a copy of your responses.
  • access to an online report presenting an overview of the aggregated responses, updated in real-time.
  • a final report with detailed insights, including weighted averages and impact figures segmented by region and product category.

These results will also be presented during the 2024 BE-D(S)TIB day on 17 December 2024. You can already register for this event via this link.

Share this opportunity

Your contribution is valuable, and we encourage you to share this survey with your colleagues and professional network. The more participants we have, the more representative and relevant our analyses will be.

We thank you in advance for your time. Together, we can enhance the understanding and impact of the Belgian Defence and Security-related Technological and Industrial Base.

Thank you for your participation!