L’Eurocorps : socle d’une défense européenne intégrée ?
This study aims to explore, through the Eurocorps’ history, whether the window of opportunity – which opened two years ago with the launching of trial balloons with a view to examining the possibility to make it one of the pioneer elements of a potentially more integrated European defence, but also a tool more specifically dedicated to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and, why not, an Operations Headquarters (OHQ) in the service of the EU bodies – is still open, or if it has closed given the current political and geostrategic situation.
This will involve determining the limits, the constraints as well as the opportunities around new ambitions related to the future of the Eurocorps. Beyond the adaptation strategies and the symbolic charge accompanying its creation, it was both a fixing point in the Euro-Atlantic relationship and an increasingly flexible tool used in EU and NATO operations and missions.
This paper will also briefly explore the historical, political, cultural, military, operational and structural elements of the Eurocorps, including its intergovernmental status and the related legal aspects, as well as its interactions with NATO.
Finally, before suggesting some specific recommendations, we will come to a close with a current position which seems to be a wait-and-see attitude adopted following the geopolitical constraints and the lack of political will to move the lines.
Télécharger le Sécurité & Stratégie 136
Lignes de recherche : Architecture de sécurité et de défense ; Europe
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