The research line “Middle East and North Africa” addresses security and defence issues related to the region commonly referred to in English as “MENA”. The CSDS’ interests include the Israeli-Palestinian issue, armed conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as other countries of particular interest such as Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

Researcher: Didier LEROY

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report
Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE

Maritime Security and Strategy:
Türkiye’s ‘Blue Homeland’ Doctrine

Didier LEROY

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism
Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy, Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx

Related publications:

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report, Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 62, 25 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda Seminar Report: Time for Pragmatism, Major Kristel Mostrey, Dr Didier Leroy & Senior Captain Estelle Hoorickx, e-note 59, 29 May 2024

Shielding the Skies: A Comprehensive Look at Operation “True Promise” and the Coalition Defence Effort, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 58, 3 May 2024

What Prospects for Israel after the War?, Chloé BERGER & Didier LEROY, e-note 56, 15 March 2024

What Prospects for Palestine after the War?, Didier LEROY & Chloé BERGER, e-note 55, 14 February 2024

Israël en 2023 : 75 ans de symphonie martiale, Didier LEROY, e-Note 47, 5 May 2023

Whither the Kurds in “Post-ISIS” Syria?, Fabrice BALANCHE & Didier LEROY, e-Note 44, 25 January 2023

The Lone Throne of the Middle East Recalibrating Jordan’s Resilience, Didier LEROY, Security & Strategy 152, December 2022

Ramadan 2022: A Time to Reflect… on Hamas and Hezbollah, Nelly ATLAN & Didier LEROY, e-Note 41, 28 June 2022

Taking Up Arms and Laying Them Down: Lessons Learned from the Lebanese Civil War?, Didier LEROY, Focus Paper 42, February 2022

Israel in 2021: Boasting six Arab allies, but facing the six armies of Tehran, Didier LEROY, e-Note 35, 13 December 2021

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is back. What about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?Didier LEROY, e-Note 33, 18 October 2021

Blacklisting Ikhwanis, Tolerating Salafis, Killing Jihadis: The Islamist Landscape of EgyptDidier LEROY, Security & Strategy 149, October 2021

De politieke rol van de Turkse strijdkrachten doorheen de geschiedenisLuk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 143, March 2020

Saoedi-Arabië en Iran Historiek van een koude oorlogLuk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 137, February 2019

Crossed Views on Jihadism in the Middle East: The Engagement of Lebanese Fighters in Syria, Elena AOUN & Didier LEROY, Security & Strategy 140, February 2019

De Europese betrokkenheid in de evolutie van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflictLuk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 134, February 2018

Turkey’s stance. Status quaestionis of an “Islamic ally” within NATO, (EnglishDutchFrench), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 24, 27 November 2017

Quel cadre légal pour la lutte armée contre l’Etat Islamique ?, Catheline REMY, e-Note 22, 20 September 2016

Invloed van de Arabische Lente op migratie en bescherming van de Europese grenzen, Eddy BOOGHS, Security & Strategy 127, September 2016

Les Kurdes d’Irak, grands gagnants de la guerre contre l’Etat islamique ? Une analyse à moyen terme, Gauthier Wéry, Focus Paper 33, August 2015

What to expect after latest IAEA report on Iran? The deal and its consequences (EnglishDutchFrench), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 17, 26 February 2015

The last deadline for Iran…and the West? Underlying interests (English, Dutch, French), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 15, 19 September 2014

Israel and Hamas Three Questions on The Current Conflict (English, Dutch, French), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 14, 1st September 2014

Related events:

Maritime Security and Strategy: Türkiye’s ‘Blue Homeland’ Doctrine, Evening conference, 20 June 2024

24 Years of WPS Agenda: Time for Pragmatism, Seminar, 21 March 2024

Mad or Bad? Forensic psychology and the will to go beyond a binary look on radicalisation, Evening conference, 23 November 2023

Women’s role in peace processes on the African continent, Evening conference, 22 June 2023

From the eastern to the southern flank: a geopolitical reshuffle in the Middle East and North Africa, Evening conference, 9 March 2023

The Gas Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Setup and International Ramifications, Evening conference, 27 October 2022

Intersecting perspectives on the Maghreb : ten years after the Arab Springs, Online evening conference, 24 February 2022

Al-Qaeda and Global Jihad: A State of Play Twenty Years after 9/11, Online colloquium, 21 October 2021

Prospects for Peace in War-torn Yemen, Online evening conference, 25 February 2021

The Post-Daesh Landscape across Syria and Iraq. General Overview and Focus on the Kurdish Actors, Evening conference, 13 February 2020

40 Years of Islamic Republic: Iran, a State of Play, Evening conference, 28 February 2019

Recent Developments in Turkish Foreign Policy, Evening conference, 11 December 2018

A Cold War in the Middle East ? Crossed views on the power struggle oppos ing Saudi Arabi a and Iran, Evening conference, 22 March 2018